Disposal guide
What to do with Woola packaging after use?
The short answer
Reuse it as long as it’s in good shape, or get creative and repurpose the wool for a DIY project (see some ideas below).
We’ve made separating the two materials – wool and paper - easy, so you can recycle the paper and reuse or dispose of the wool.
If you’re located in Estonia, you can return Woola packaging into one of the return boxes of our pilot program.
Ideas for reusing Woola packaging
Ship another parcel
This one’s very obvious, but you can reuse the wool envelope to prepare a fragile item for shipping. The wool and paper layers of the Wool Envelope are easily separable. That way, removing the paper layer with the previous shipping label and using the wool envelope is easy.
Create insoles for shoes
Wool is well known for regulating temperature. Turning wool envelope into wool insoles helps to keep your feet warm and dry, providing an extra layer of cushioning.
This example comes from Vertical Playground’s customer. Cheers, Anders!
Make a bed for your cat or dog
Seriously, cats and dogs love it. Check this out for proof!
Keep your clothes smelling good
Wool Envelope makes a perfect scented pouch to keep in your wardrobe. Spray some of your favourite perfume on the envelope and hang it in your closet.
Clean your jewellery
Wool is great for refreshing silverware or jewellery, making metal sparkling clean.
Use it as a teapot cover
This hack, placing the wool envelope over a coffee or tea pot, is a great way to keep the drink warm longer.
Line the bottom of a flowerpot
Place a suitable piece of the wool envelope in a flowerpot to secure the bottom, so the soil will not fall out. Additionally, wool will help to keep the excess water away from the roots.
Keep food and drinks chilled
Keep your picnic snacks fresh and drinks cool on a warm day using a wool envelope as a temperature insulator.
Get crafty
Use the wool as an alternative to cotton wool or cotton batting in DIY projects like making pillows, stuffed animals etc.
Store small things
The wool envelope works well as a travel-size cosmetics bag, pencil case, and cover for your notebook or small electronics.
Turn it into a sponge
Use the wool envelope as a cleaning tool – wool is very absorbent and helps to wash or wipe surfaces magically clean.
Got cool ideas? Share your mini projects on Instagram, and tag us @woolapackaging.