60+ fossil fuel statistics that show we need to replace plastic
Plastic is everywhere — but, as you know, it's not good for the planet. It's hard to avoid plastic in our day-to-day lives, but it gets easier when you know what impact fossil fuels have on the environment and your quality of life.
We sourced recent statistics on fossil fuel production and its consequences. We hope these statistics fuel your commitment to making more sustainable choices, too.
Top 20 fossil fuel-producing and -consuming countries
Based on 2023 data and projections², the top producers and consumers of petroleum and other liquids* for energy production are:
Ranking | Top producers | Top consumers | Top CO₂ emitters |
1 | United States | United States | China |
2 | Saudi Arabia | China | United States |
3 | Russia | India | India |
4 | Canada | Russia | Russia |
5 | Iraq | Saudi Arabia | Japan |
6 | China | Japan | Iran |
7 | Iran | Brazil | Indonesia |
8 | United Arab Emirates | South Korea | Germany |
9 | Brazil | Iran | South Korea |
10 | Kuwait | Canada | Saudi Arabia |
11 | Mexico | Germany | Canada |
12 | Kazakhstan | Mexico | Brazil |
13 | Norway | Singapore | South Africa |
14 | Qatar | Indonesia | Mexico |
15 | Nigeria | France | Australia |
16 | Algeria | United Kingdom | Turkey |
17 | Libya | Thailand | United Kingdom |
18 | Angola | Spain | Italy |
19 | Oman | Italy | France |
20 | Venezuela | Australia | Thailand |
*Note that the table above specifies energy derived from petroleum and other liquids and excludes other primary energy resources, namely: coal, natural gas, nuclear, renewables, and other.
How to read this table: Countries that appear higher on the Top producer list than the Top consumer list generally export energy resources, and vice versa. In other words, countries that appear higher on the Top consumer list have a higher demand than they can supply themselves and must import petroleum:
South Korea
United Kingdom
This means that seven out of the top ten largest economies³ in the world (Germany, Japan, India, UK, France, Italy, and Brazil) still rely on the major petroleum industry players (USA, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Canada, etc.) to supply their high demand. It’s a danger zone for these economies, which could also explain why so many European and Far Eastern countries are beginning to invest more in sustainable and renewable energy — to essentially get ‘off the grid’ of the volatile administrations of the USA, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the like.
More global fossil fuel facts
Most of the US petcoke (petroleum coke, a stable byproduct of crude oil) gets exported to China, which is the world’s largest consumer of coal. Petcoke is extracted at the final stage of manufacturing and burned for energy production.⁴
China has a whopping 1,161 coal power plants, 4 times more than India (285 plants) and almost 6 times more than the US (204 plants).⁵
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fossil fuels (CO₂ and CH₄)
Fossil fuel combustion is the biggest source of human-caused greenhouse gases. Burning coal, oil, and natural gas releases carbon dioxide (CO₂) into the atmosphere. Fossil fuel mining and use also emits methane (CH₄).
Energy-related CO₂ emissions reached approximately 38 Gt in 2019. Coal was the single largest source (45% of energy CO₂ emissions), followed by oil (35%) and natural gas (~20%). This means that coal combustion emitted around 17 Gt CO₂, oil about 13 Gt, and gas around 7–8 Gt that year.⁶
Fossil fuel use (energy and industry) accounted for about 89% of global CO₂ emissions in 2018.⁷
In 2023, the energy sector (coal, oil, and gas operations) emitted close to 120 million tonnes of CH₄. The other major contributor of methane gas is Agriculture.⁸
Over 100 years, 1 tonne of CH₄ has a warming effect equivalent to between 28–36 tonnes of CO₂. So, CH₄ leaks significantly contribute to global warming.⁸
Global CO₂ emissions increased by over 60% from 1990 to 2024.¹³
Why we know fossil fuels are heating up the planet
The scientific consensus is that burning fossil fuels is the dominant driver of climate change in our post-industrial revolution times. The table below shows a breakdown of contributors to GHGs, including natural elements.⁹ ¹⁴ ¹⁵
Source of emissions | GHG contribution (%) | Main GHG type | Description |
Fossil fuel combustion | ~75% | Mostly CO₂, some CH₄ & N₂O | Includes emissions from electricity, heat production, transportation, industry, and buildings. |
- Electricity & heat production | ~25–30% | CO₂ from coal, oil, gas combustion | Power plants burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and heating. |
- Transportation | ~15–20% | CO₂ from gasoline/diesel, some N₂O | Emissions from cars, aeroplanes, ships, and trucks using fossil fuels. |
- Industry | ~10–15% | CO₂ from fuel combustion, some fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF₆) | Emissions from factories, construction, and chemical production. |
- Buildings | ~5–7% | CO₂ from heating/cooking, some CH₄ from leaks | Emissions from heating, cooling, and cooking in residential and commercial buildings. |
Deforestation & land use change | ~10–15% | Mostly CO₂, some CH₄ & N₂O | Cutting down forests reduces carbon absorption, and biomass burning releases stored carbon. |
Agriculture | ~10% | Mostly CH₄ & N₂O | Farming activities that release methane (CH₄) from livestock and nitrous oxide (N₂O) from fertilizers. |
- Livestock methane (CH₄) | ~6% | CH₄ from cattle, sheep digestion (enteric fermentation) | Cows, sheep, and other ruminants release methane as part of digestion. |
- Fertilizers (N₂O) | ~4% | N₂O from synthetic & organic fertilizers | Fertilisers release nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas, when applied to soil. |
Industrial processes | ~5–8% | Mostly CO₂, some fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF₆) | Emissions from cement production, chemical manufacturing, and refrigerants. |
Waste & landfills | ~3–5% | Mostly CH₄, some CO₂ & N₂O | Methane emissions from decomposing waste in landfills and wastewater treatment. |
Natural climate influences | (Minimal Long-Term Impact) | Variable | Natural factors that cause short-term fluctuations but do not drive long-term global warming. |
- Volcanic activity | ~0.1–0.3% | CO₂, but also cooling aerosols | Large eruptions release CO₂ but also cause temporary cooling due to sulphate aerosols. |
- Solar variability | ~0.1% | No GHGs, just solar energy fluctuations | The Sun’s energy output changes slightly but does not significantly impact global warming trends. |
- Carbon cycle feedbacks | Variable | CH₄ & CO₂ from permafrost, ocean release | Warming causes permafrost to thaw, releasing stored CO₂ and CH₄, accelerating climate change. |
More compelling evidence that fossil fuels are the main contributor to the climate change crisis:
CO₂, CH₄, and other gases from fossil fuels are the principal contributors to the ~1.1–1.2 °C of human-induced or anthropogenic global warming.⁹
The concentration of CO₂ in the atmosphere has climbed from about 278 ppm in 1750 (pre-industrial revolution) to around 420 ppm in 2023, primarily due to fossil fuel burning. This CO₂ buildup — along with other GHGs — is the primary reason the planet has warmed.¹⁰
The global average temperature in 2023 was roughly 1.2 °C higher than the preindustrial baseline.¹⁰
In January 2025, the average CO₂ concentration was 427 ppm.¹¹
Coal is the largest CO₂ source and has had the most significant impact on global warming. It’s estimated that coal combustion alone is responsible for at least 0.3 °C of the ~1 °C rise in global average temperature we’ve seen over the past century.⁷
To limit global warming to 1.5°C, the global energy system will need to produce net-zero CO₂ from around 2050 to 2065.⁶
Reaching net-zero CO₂ emissions by 2050 would require a decrease of current emissions by 2.2%–3.3% per year for the next 30 years (since 2021), compared to the average growth of over 2% per year from 2000 to 2018.⁶
Earth’s climate has changed historically, but the current warming is happening at a rate not seen in the past 10,000 years.¹²
Air pollution from fossil fuels
Besides emitting GHGs, burning fossil fuels also produces harmful air pollutants such as particulate matter (PM₂.₅/PM₁₀), sulfur dioxide (SO₂), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds. These pollutants degrade air quality and impact everyone’s health.
Fossil fuel burning (e.g., coal power plants and diesel engines) generates fine particulate matter (PM₂.₅) loaded with toxic substances like heavy metals and other organic compounds. These inhalable particles penetrate deep into the lungs, causing asthma, lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.¹⁸
1 in 5 deaths in 2018 was related to cardiovascular and respiratory health and attributable to fossil fuel air pollution (fine PM₂.₅). That’s 8.7 million deaths globally that year.¹⁸
Power plants burning coal and oil (and oil refineries) are responsible for about two-thirds of global anthropogenic SO₂ emissions as tracked by NASA satellites.¹⁹
Coal power plants were the leading source of SO₂ emissions in the US in 1997, contributing 50% of electricity generation to the country. The good news is that this declined to 30% in 2017, with renewable energy taking 50% of electric power contribution.²⁰
Water contamination from fossil fuel extraction, use & spills
Fossil fuel extraction, processing, and transport often lead to water pollution. We can all recall the news of devastating oil spills in the ocean that contaminate kilometres of coastline, killing all life in its path.
The 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster (caused by an explosion at an oil rig) in the Gulf of Mexico/America spilled 4.9 million barrels of crude oil (about 700,000 tonnes) into the sea.²¹
While global oil tanker spill volumes have declined to roughly 1,000–10,000 tonnes per year in the 2010s/2020s, smaller spills still happen frequently.²²
Thankfully, oil tanker spills are at an all-time low since 2018.²²
US hydraulic fracturing (AKA fracking) wells produced 280 billion gallons of toxic wastewater in 2012. This liquid often returns to the surface as toxic brine laden with salts, heavy metals, carcinogenic hydrocarbons, and even radioactive elements from deep underground.²³
Scientists have even linked the underground injection of wastewater to earthquakes.²³
There are hundreds of documented cases of drinking water contamination from oil/gas drilling waste. In New Mexico, waste pits from oil and gas operations have polluted groundwater over 400 times.²³
Over 11,748 km (7,300 miles) of streams in the state of Pennsylvania, USA, are impaired by acid mine drainage (AMD) from abandoned coal mines.²⁴ AMD water has a rusty orange colour from iron oxidation and carries aluminium, lead, and other heavy metals that kill aquatic life. Rivers in coal-producing countries worldwide suffer the same heavy metal contamination and pH drops from AMD.
Land degradation & habitat destruction in the fossil fuel lifecycle
The fossil fuel lifecycle — mining coal, drilling for oil and/or gas, and transporting these fuels — causes extensive land disturbance and habitat loss. Mountaintop removal (MTR) is common in coal mining and involves literally blasting the tops off mountains to extract coal.
Mountaintop mining removes up to 800 feet off the tops of mountains to reach coal seams inaccessible by other mining techniques.²⁵
MTR deforested an estimated 1.4 million acres (566,560 hectares) of rich forest habitat by 2012 and completely buried over 3,219 km (2,000 miles) of headwater streams with mine waste (these are called valley fills).²⁶
One of the biggest threats to the Appalachian forest, stretching from Alabama, USA, to Canada, is fossil fuel mining. It’s one of the most biodiverse temperate rainforests in the world, hosting many endangered endemic species.²⁷
Research suggests that it would take 200–500 years for the Appalachian forest to completely recover from fossil fuel mining and other deforestation practices.²⁸
Over 135 million hectares of undisturbed tropical forest in the Amazon and Congo Basins are designated for oil and gas exploration and extraction. This spans an area nearly six times bigger than the UK.²⁹
These statistics are only a drop in the bucket of the environmental impact of fossil fuel mining, transportation, and use. We haven’t even discussed the disturbance and deforestation caused by laying petrochemical transportation pipes and creating roads for mining, nor how many species of plants and animals have been lost because of mining practices. We also haven’t even mentioned the most obvious problem of deforestation: increased CO₂ and decreased O₂ because there are fewer trees to clean our air.
Fossil fuel use in plastics
Plastics are made by turning petrochemicals into monomers like ethylene and propylene. Crude oil is refined into hydrocarbon feedstocks (like naphtha), and natural gas yields liquids (like ethane and propane). These feedstocks are cracked (broken down into simpler molecules) at high heat and polymerized into polyethylene and polypropylene.³⁰
We know this is a mouthful, but basically, plastics come from the same process as other fossil fuel chemicals. It’s vertically linked to the fossil fuel industry as a solid derivative of petrochemicals. Besides the emissions from burning fossil fuels to get the building blocks for plastics, plastic itself is also polluting our air, oceans, and soil — even inside our bodies. Plastics manufacturing is energy-intensive and emits CO₂ and other GHGs at each stage of the process.
Over 99% of plastics are made of chemicals sourced from fossil fuels.³¹
Naphtha production is concentrated among 5 major oil companies — BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, and China National Petroleum Corporation. These companies account for over half of global naphtha sales.³¹
Many fossil fuel producers also own plastic manufacturing companies, and vice versa. The two biggest plastic manufacturers, DowDuPont and LyondellBassell, also own fossil fuel plants. This creates a hedge around these companies as they supplement revenue loss from fluctuating fuel prices with plastic sales.³¹
In 2015, ExxonMobil’s Chemicals segment (which produces plastics) accounted for roughly 11% of its revenue and more than 27% of its overall profits.³²
There are many types of plastic. 90% of all plastics (by weight) are one of 5 types: polyethylene (34.4%), polypropylene (24.2%), polyvinyl chloride or PVC (16.5%), polyethylene terephthalate or PET (7.7%), and polystyrene (7.3%).³¹
Ethylene and propylene are essential in producing plastic packaging, the largest and fastest-growing category of plastic products and the biggest contributor to the plastics pollution crisis.³¹
Approximately 370 million tons of new plastic are produced worldwide each year.³³
The plastics industry is a significant driver of fossil fuel demand and a growing source of greenhouse emissions. Currently, making plastics consumes roughly 4–8% of global oil production.³³
It’s estimated that by 2050 the plastics sector may account for about 20% of world oil consumption.³³
Petrochemicals (primarily for producing plastics) are forecast to contribute over one-third of the growth in oil demand by 2030 and nearly half of oil demand growth by 2050.³⁴
Globally, the life-cycle of plastics — from fossil fuel extraction to resin production to waste management — is responsible for roughly 3–4% of annual GHG emissions.³⁵
One 2019 study found that producing new or virgin plastic resins released over 5% of global emissions that year — about 2.24 billion metric tons of CO₂-equivalent.³⁶
The plastics life-cycle could generate up to 15–19% of the world’s carbon budget (or GHG output) by 2040.³⁵
In other words, plastic is taking an increasingly larger slice of the global emissions pie. Even as more renewable energy sources are being used to replace fossil fuels as primary energy sources, the rising demand for plastics will mitigate global efforts to meet climate targets in the very near future.
Plastic is replaceable. Most of the ways we use plastics can be replaced with sustainable alternatives. The problem is that plastic is cheap to manufacture and expensive to recycle.
The afterlife of plastic
From production to end-of-life, plastics have a notable carbon footprint alongside the direct ecological damage they cause. Plastic pollution has been linked to damage to coral reefs and other sensitive ecosystems, as debris smothers organisms and transports invasive species or pollutants. Beyond visible harm to wildlife, plastics in water can leach toxic additives and serve as magnets for other pollutants to enter the food chain.
If plastics are burned in the open or in substandard incinerators (a common way to dispose of plastic trash in some regions), they release CO₂ and other GHGs and toxic air pollutants. Even when they end up in landfills, certain plastics can slowly break down and emit methane (a potent GHG).
Since the 1950s, humans have produced an estimated 8.3 billion tons of plastic. Because plastics are very slow to degrade, most of this material still exists.³⁷
Plastic pollution is now ubiquitous in the environment, especially in the oceans. 80–85% of all marine litter is plastic.³⁵
Scientists have found plastic particles in deep ocean sediments and at the deepest point of the ocean (the Mariana Trench), in Arctic sea ice, and on remote mountaintops.³⁸
8–12 million tons of plastic enter the oceans annually from land, the equivalent of a garbage truck dumping a full load into the sea every minute.³⁹
It’s estimated that 90% of seabirds have plastic in their stomachs, and about half of all sea turtles have eaten plastic pieces. Indigestible plastic can be fatal to these animals, and entanglement can cause drowning, starvation, or injuries.³⁸
One study estimated that 15–51 trillion microplastic pieces (smaller than 5mm) litter the ocean's surface layers.⁴⁰
One projection estimates that by 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in the ocean by weight.³⁸
About 79% of plastic waste has accumulated in landfills or leaked into the natural environment. Only about 9% has been recycled, and the remaining 12% has been incinerated for energy or disposal.³⁷
Another source shows only 10–15% of plastic waste is recycled each year, with the rest disposed or mismanaged.³³ ³⁷
Reducing single-use plastics, boosting recycling and material recovery, and developing sustainable alternatives can dramatically cut plastic pollution and fossil fuel demand for making new plastics. Each person and company cutting their plastic use would lower future oil consumption and emissions, helping to mitigate climate change and reduce the amount of plastics entering oceans and wildlife.
This is why Woola exists. We want to replace plastic in the packaging industry. In 2024, 200 billion parcels were shipped — over four times more than in 2014. And these numbers are expected to grow to 256 billion parcels by 2027.⁴¹
Fossil fuels vs. renewable energy
There’s a lot of strain on the energy generation industries based on a handful of factors. One of these factors is the Russia–Ukraine war, which is impacting fossil fuel exporting from Russia to the West. The good news is that this has nudged many first-world countries to invest in alternative and sustainable energy sources for the future. The bad news is that the growing demand for energy generation will still require increased fossil fuel energy generation.⁴²
The world population may increase by 1.7 billion people by 2050, which means an exponential increase in energy demand across the world.⁴²
Global industrial-sector energy consumption will grow between 9% and 62% by 2050.⁴²
Global electricity generation is projected to increase by 30% in 2050 from 2022 (depending on the case) and will primarily be met by zero-carbon technologies.⁴²
The combined share of coal, natural gas, and petroleum liquids for energy generation is expected to decrease 27%–38% by 2050, but this will likely be offset by rising energy demand caused by population growth and increased incomes.⁴²
More countries are reaching for renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro because they have a far lower environmental impact per unit of energy produced compared to fossil fuels. This trend will continue to trickle down to other industries and the private sector as more policies are written to enforce and regulate energy production.
US primary energy consumption by source. Image source: EIA
What’s ecommerce got to do with it?
Fossil fuels, plastics, and climate change are big sectors and clearly connected to each other, but it might be hard to imagine how we as individuals are directly impacting the environment. Ecommerce is a wonderful industry that connects us all to amazing entrepreneurs, brands, and products all over the world. But it’s also a highly wasteful industry, and we’re directly impacting the environment with our buying and selling decisions.
The global ecommerce fashion industry has an overall market value of approximately $781.5 billion.⁴³
Fashion is the third most polluting industry, after fossil fuels and agriculture.⁴⁴
The fashion industry produces ~10% of our annual carbon footprint — that’s more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined.⁴⁴
43% of major ecommerce retailers use plastic in their packaging.⁴⁵
Do you see how fossil fuels, plastics, and fashion ecommerce are all drinking from the same well? An oil well, that is. We see a great need and opportunity for ecommerce to take the lead in sustainability. As an end consumer, you can make a big difference by moving away from fast fashion, buying fewer but better quality clothing and accessories, and opting for sustainable brands. The most trustworthy sustainable brands aren’t afraid to disclose their environmental impact transparently and act to reduce it.
Truly sustainable brands aren’t using plastic in their packaging — they’re using our luxurious bubble wool or other plastic replacements.
Units glossary
Btu — British thermal unit
Btu is used to measure heat energy. 1 Btu equals ~1,055 Joule of energy. In the USA, the price of natural gas is quoted against the volume of gas that would produce 1 million Btu (MMBtu) when burned.
In context, according to most sources, it takes about 3,412 Btu to produce 1kWh of electricity. One barrel (42 gallons or 159 litres) of crude oil produced in the United States makes 5.689 MMBtu.¹
Gt — Gigatonne
Gigatonne (Gt) is used to measure CO₂ emissions. 1 Gt equals 1 billion tonnes. A metric tonne (1,000 kg equalling 2,204 lbs) is slightly heavier than an imperial or ‘short’ ton (2,000 lbs).
ppm — parts per million
Parts per million (ppm) is used to measure the concentration of a substance within a solution. Ppm is calculated by dividing the mass or volume of the substance by the total mass or volume of the solution and then multiplying that number by 1 million. We can use this measurement to speak about the average level of greenhouse gases (GHGs) like CO₂ and CH₄ in Earth’s atmosphere.
PM — particulate matter
PM is used to measure the amount and size of liquid and solid particles in the air. Some particles are big enough to be seen by the natural eye, and others are microscopic. Particle matter is also called particle pollution and includes materials like combustion particles, organic compounds, metals, dust, pollen, mould, and sand.¹⁶
What PM measurements mean:
PM₁₀ — inhalable particles generally smaller than 10 micrometres (or microns, measured as µm). This includes dust, dirt, smoke, etc.
PM₂.₅ — inhalable particles generally smaller than 2.5 µm. This includes combustion particles and metals.
To put things into perspective, a strand of human hair is 50–70 µm in diameter. Microplastics can be anything from 5 mm to 1 µm in size and break down into nanoplastics, which are smaller than 1 µm and can’t be seen by the human eye.¹⁷ Measuring PM helps us understand the pervasiveness of fossil fuel pollution and its presence in our bodies.
- US Energy Information Administration (EIA), Units and calculators.
- US Energy Information Administration (EIA), International Overview & Rankings.
- World Bank Group Databank, World Development Indicators.
- Petro Online, What is Petcoke and What is it Used For?.
- Statista, Countries and territories with the largest number of operational coal power plants worldwide as of July 2024.
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (Second Order Draft), Chapter 6: Energy Systems, Working Group III.
- ClientEarth, Fossil fuel and climate change: the facts.
- IEA, Global Methane Tracker 2024 Key Findings.
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- IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change.
- EPA, Particulate Matter (PM) Basics.
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- University College London (UCL), Fossil fuel air pollution responsible for 1 in 5 deaths worldwide.
- Greenpeace, Global SO2 emission hotspot database.
- EIA, Changes in coal sector led to less SO2 and NOx emissions from electric power industry.
- Our World in Data, Oil Spills.
- Statista, Volume of oil leaked from tanker incidents worldwide 1970 to 2024.
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- Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Acid Mine Drainage: A Toxic Brew Flowing Downstream.
- Yale Environment 360, A Troubling Look at the Human Toll of Mountaintop Removal Mining.
- Appalachian Voices, Ecological Impacts of Mountaintop Removal.
- EPA, The Effects Of Mountaintop Mines And Valley Fills On Aquatic Ecosystems Of The Central Appalachian Coalfields (2011 Final).
- The Nature Conservancy, Late Successional Forest Management Project.
- One Earth, Oil and gas expansion is a massive threat to the Amazon and Congo forests and communities.
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- World Economic Forum, It's time to shift to net-zero emissions plastics.
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- United Nations Climate Change, A New Plastics Economy is Needed to Protect the Climate.
- Chemical & Engineering News, Greenhouse Gases: Plastic production belches out over 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
- University of California (UC) Santa Barbara Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, Global Plastic Pollution Statistics.
- WWF, Will there be more plastic than fish in the sea?.
- Earth Island Journal, 9 Million Tons of Plastic Waste Will End Up in Our Oceans in 2015.
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- EIA, International Energy Outlook 2023.
- Statista, Fashion e-commerce market value worldwide from 2023 to 2030.
- Climate Trade, The world’s most polluting industries.
- Woola, We analysed 40+ parcels. Here’s what we learned from ecommerce packaging teardown.