Woola’s take on customising packaging, and why we feel strongly about it

One question companies considering Woola packaging often ask us is how can the products be customised. Before outlining exactly what can be done, let’s take a small detour to set the scene. 

A few words about changing the world

The packaging industry is dominated by white label products. In other words, most ecommerce packaging is designed, manufactured and sold without any or much branding.

Often, retailers add their own branding, either in collaboration with the packaging manufacturer or by their own means (e.g. using stickers or stamps).

For us at Woola, our brand is one of our key strengths. We decided early on that in addition to a functional, good-looking and very unique product we want to offer an outstanding and distinguished brand experience. A Woola experience. Why? Well, it’s actually quite simple: 

“To change the world, you’ve got to throw a better party than those destroying it.”

– Louisa Ziane from Toast Ale

We have put a lot of thought into building our brand and designing products that captivate attention and inspire action. And we have seen the products, along with the brand communication printed on them, work “out of the box”.

Woola packaging stands out in the crowd of polluting plastic and boring cardboard and shows that you care about sustainability. But even more, the products deliver delight and trigger word of mouth. All of which is important when you want to change the world.

What’s great is that all of this can serve you well. The Woola experience we’ve designed is something your company can leverage simply by using our packaging.

Now that we’ve shared why we don't sell any of our products without Woola branding, let’s take a look at ways you can make Woola products yours.

How can Woola products be customised?

While we take good care to keep the Woola experience in check, we know that most retailers care equally much about their own branding and that we operate in an industry that mostly offers white label solutions.

So, we’ve made the process of customisation really simple and straightforward. Our rules fit into two short sentences:

  1. Orders of 5000 or more Wool Envelopes can be customised with your company logo.

  2. The company logo can be printed in black, instead of the Woola logo that’s by default on the front of the envelope, or next to it.

The area where the logo is placed is chosen specifically for that, so any logo will look great there.

What about changing the wording of the texts? What about changing the fonts to fit your brand? What about customising Bubble Wool and Bottle Sleeves? What about…

Yes, the customisation we allow is very limited, and for a good reason: too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth. Woola packaging comes with carefully chosen words and design elements, which make each product a whole. And we at Woola are not in the business of custom packaging design, but in the business of making packaging lighter on the planet. 

So, now that you’ve gotten to know our “kitchen” a bit more, will you join the Woola party?


How Binocle shows their commitment to sustainability with Wool Envelopes


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